Visions of architecture

"I have designed the most buildings of any living American architect. " Alexander Jackson Davis"

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Friday, June 17, 2011



















Floating Home

Trilobis 65 is a semi-submerged:

Reaching 20 metres in length designed by Giancarlo Zema for habitation by six people at sea. It is ideal for living in bays, atolls and maritime parks. The main aim of the project is to allow anyone to live in a unique environment through a self sufficient, non-polluting dwelling cell in unison with their ocean surroundings.
Trilobis 65 has been designed on four separate levels connected by a spiraling staircase.

The top level is 3.5 metres above
sea level. The next level is at 1.4 metres above sea level and hosts the daylight zone with all services and allowing outdoor access. The third level is situated at 0.8 metre below sea level, semi-submerged, and is devoted to the night-time zone. At 3.0 metres below sea level, totally submerged, there is the underwater observation bulb, an intimate and mediative place.

The shape of Trilobis 65 allows the annular aggregation of more
modular units, creating island colonies.

This special project refers to the Trilobiti, little creatures that lived in the sea 500 milion years ago.

Contact Underwater Vehicles Inc. for further details regarding custom floating homes and Neptus 60 cliff-side dwellings with underwater viewing compartments. All homes are engineered to meet strict ABS and Lloyds certification requirements.

Maximum length - 20 mt
Maximum width - 13 mt
Observation bulb - 3 mt o.s.l. Max Speed - 7 knots
Accommodation - 6 beds
Power source options - Ballard fuel cells, solar, wind, diesel

Monday, June 13, 2011

urban designing of streets & squares


Streets and Squares that make up the public face of towns and cities. It also emphasizes on the meanings and the roles of these elements played in the urban design, the ways they are arranged, designed and detailed is the subject matter.
• Urban design is at the interface between architecture and planning, but is quite distinct from both disciplines.

• In short, planning can be defined as the process by which resources are distributed. On the other hand, architecture is concerned with the design and construction of individual buildings.

• Urban design is allied to architecture and
planning. For its practice one requires some of the skills and knowledge of both disciplines. The subject matter of urban design is the arrangement of many buildings so that they form a single composition.

Deals with the methods of urban design and programme Formulation, a fundamental study for establishing
Discipline. It poses the question: “Where do design ideas
Originate?”. Urban form is defined as a physical
Expression of culture and, as such, it is related directly
to user satisfaction.
Examines the laws of composition in architecture in order
to determine how and in what ways they apply at the
larger scale of urban design. This chapter examines the
grammar and syntax of urban design.

Examines the ways in which buildings can be arranged,
both within space and to form space. It develops an idea
for a general typology of built forms.

• CHAPTER FOUR— Discusses the design of the square or plaza. It starts
with an outline of the role and functio
n of the square in
the built environment.

Discusses the design of streets—the other main element
in urban design.

• CHAPTE SIX-- Examines the role water in the design of public spaces. It discusses the form and function of the river, canal and seafront.

Introduces the principles of sustainable development as
they affect the design of streets and squares.

• CHAPTER EIGHT— Concentrates on the use of visual analysis as a tool for
Understanding the role of street and square in the
urban quarter.
Has five case studies, bringing together the main ideas of previous chapters.

A concluding chapter, examines why it proved so difficult
in the 20th century to design and develop lively streets
squares of real quality



• A square or plaza is both an area framed by buildings and an area designed to exhibit its buildings to the greatest advantage.
• The empty windswept place surrounded by under-utilized buildings is all too common in the modern city, while its counterpart, the busy traffic island or faceless car park around which are scattered collections of non-related b
uildings, is also endemic in the urban scene.


• Activity in a square is important for its vitality and visual
attraction.• Vitruvious commented in the designs of sqares that” the
sqares should be proportionate to the number of
inhabitants, so that it may not be too small a space to be
useful, nor look like a desert waste for lack of
• The single most important function of an element in city
in the city is the symbolic meanings attached to it.
• It acts the counterpiece of public realm, the place where
the major public works, the major publi
c expenditure and
the greatest civic art is located.




Zucker was able to distinguish five archetypal forms
1. Closed square—where the space is self-contained.
2. Dominated square—where the space is directed towards the main building.
3. Nuclear square—where the space is formed around a center.
4. Grouped square—where the spatial uni
ts are combined to form larger compositions.
5. Amorphous square—where the space is unlimited.



• Any classification of streets must start with Vitruvious and his description of the three street scenes for use as his backdrop in a theatre. There are three kinds of scenes:-

1. Tragic scene—they delineated with columns, pediments, statues and other objects suited to kings.
Example—Classical form of architecture.

2. Comic scenes—they exhibit private dwellings, with balconies and views representing rows of windows, after the manner of ordinary dwellings.
Example—Gothic style.

3. Satyric scenes—they are decorated with trees, caverns, mountains and other rustic objects delineated in landscape style.
Example—Landscape outside the city.

Streets, paths, avenue, highways, way, route, road, boulevard, mall and promenade all have similar meanings.


• A road is an ordinary line of communication between
different places, used by travelers on foot or vehicles. It is any path, way or course to some end or journey. The emphasis is on movement between places—a two dimensional ribbon, running on the surface of the landscape, carried over it by bridge or beneath by tunnel.

• A street may have these attributes, but its more common meaning is a road in a town or village, comparatively wide as opposed to a lane or alley. More importantly it is a road, that is the linear surface along which movement occurs between the adjacent houses. On the other hand a street is an enclosed, three dimensional space between two lines of adjacent buildings.


1. A street is not only a means of access, but also an arena for social expression.

2. A street provides a link between the streets and in the city at large.

3. As a link it facilitates the movement of people as
pedestrians or within vehicles and also the movement
of goods to sustain the wider market and some
particular uses within the street.

3. Its expressive function also includes recreation,
conservation and entertainment as well as use as a site
for ritual observations

4. A better street is all important and so the new street address becomes the symbol of self-esteem.


• The form of the street can be analyzed in terms of a number of popular qualities such as, straight or curved, long or short, wide or narrow, enclosed or open, formal or informal.

• Street form can also be analyzed in terms of scale, proportion, contrast, rhythm or connections to other streets and squares.

• The streets should be made bulged in the middle of the public path, and narrower, so that the path forms an enclosure which is a place to stay, not just to pass by.

Metro station Stockholm

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Ken Yeang is an ecologist, author and a respected architect. He is best known for his “bioclimatic skyscrapers,” environmentally conscious high-rise buildings. Being an ecologist is essential, he believes, to his work as an architect because “the ecologist has a much more comprehensive and holistic view of the world.” Ken Yeang endeavors to connect the human built environment more closely to nature.

Integration Philosophies:

Physical- how a building relates to the physical area, plants, topography

Systematic-using water responsibly, etc. for less waste (ideally no waste)

Temporal- integrating the rate we use resources

Fusionopolis is a 15-story building will be 1.4 Km high, and boast of a ‘Green infrastructure.’ The building will be home to the longest continuous vertical stretch of vegetation of any building in the world. A vertical spine of planting will rise up through the building, and landscaped garden terraces will be located on each floor of the building. The vegetation will help in passive cooling and insulation. The vegetation will also improve the sense of well being of the residents.

Natural daylight will be directed into the building interior by prisms which deflect the sunlight as it hits them. The drainage and irrigation system will also integrated green features. The whole building will function as an ecosystem, and strive to strike a balance between the organic and inorganic elements so as to make the building work like a living system.

Friday, June 10, 2011




This project is designed for the year 2100, and is called 'The Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees', which is definitely a present and realistic danger in architecture.

"this silly pad is a real amphibian half aquatic and half terrestrial city, which able to accommodate 50,000 inhabitants and inviting the biodiversity of this world to develop its fauna and flora around a central lagoon of soft water collecting and purifying the rain waters efficiently. This artificial lagoons is entirely immersed ballasting thus the city. It enables to live in the heart of the subaquatic depths.

The multifunctional programming is based on 3 marinas and 3 mountains dedicated respectively to the work, the shops and the entertainments. The whole set is covered by a stratum of planted housing in suspended gardens and crossed by a network of streets and alleyways with organic outline.

The motive is to create a harmonious coexistence of the couple Human / Nature and to explore new ways of living the sea by building with fluidity collective spaces in proximity, overwhelming spaces of social inclusion suitable to the meeting of all the inhabitants – denizen or foreign-born, new or old, young or aged people."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

CCTV HeadQuarters - Rem Koolhaas

This Building is under construction in Beijing, and
marks the centerpiece of what hopes to be a 300
tower central business district in Beijing. Rather than go into details, I’ll distill why this design is so important:
It marks one of the first buildings that aim to defy gravity without overtly proclaiming it. In effect, it’s one of the first buildings that is a physical manifestation of a video game building (which can obviously be any shape it wants because it doesn’t have to follow laws of gravity).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Zaha Hadid’s Architecture Foundation HQ

Detailed plans submitted to Southwark Council for consideration outline the design for the new building, situated on the corner of Southwark Street and Great Guildford Street.

Famed for her buildings including the Rosenthal Centre for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, US and the BMW building in Leipzig, Germany, the Architecture Foundation will be the Pritzker Prize winner's first public building to be built in the capital.

Scheduled to open in autumn 2008, the design of the building has evolved since Hadid won the international design competition run by Land Securities in January 2005.

The new diamond-like design, clad in polished stainless steel, will – claim developers – generate a striking new point of interest within the Bankside 123 development.

"It is time that London had a new centre for architecture, a place of energy and ideas, to rival those in other cities across the world," says Zaha Hadid.

Rowan Moore, director of the Architecture Foundation, added: "We are really pleased with the way the project has developed. It will be a wonderful instrument for communicating architecture to the public, as well as a beautiful and unforgettable structure."

The Architecture Foundation will be organised over four levels united by a vertical glass-walled space that makes a powerful connection with the public realm outside. It will provide exhibition space on the ground, mezzanine and first floors, an events space on the first floor, and offices and a boardroom on the top floor. There is also provision for a café/bar on the ground floor.

The new home for British architecture will double as both the charity's headquarters and a purpose built public venue for exhibitions and events on architecture. It will be a place of creative ideas and activity where the public can engage with the best contemporary architecture.

"Southwark is fast becoming a vibrant cultural hub in London and the decision to house the headquarters of the UK's most important architecture institution here is testament to this," says Mike Hussey, managing director of Land Securities' London portfolio.

Zaha Hadid Update

The world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid, is planning the Regium Waterfront cultural building in the city of Reggio Calabria.

Zaha presents one and fluid style of radial symmetry lines, in which you will place the Museum of the history of the Mediterranean and a performing arts center. The buildings are surrounded by the sea, Sicily and the Sicilian coast will be visible.Canada Pharmacy

buildings were inspired by the organic shape of the star, the radial symmetry of its design is aimed to facilitate communication and movement between the different sections of the Museum. The Museum of the history of the Mediterranean will host the exhibition spaces, forest restoration, Archive Aquarium, a and a library.

The performing arts is a multifunctional centre that includes three spaces, partially covered by a square, where there will be the Museum’s administrative offices, gym, ashops, cinema and local crafts shops.

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